Orange Essential Oil...

Orange oil is an essential oil produced by cells within the rind of an orange fruit (Citrus saneness fruit). In contrast to most essential oils, it is extracted as a by-product of orange juice production by centrifugation, producing cold-pressed oil. It is composed of mostly (greater than 90%) d-limonene and is often used in place of pure d-limonene. D-limonene can be extracted from the oil by distillation.

Limonene gives citrus fruit their familiar aroma and is therefore used in perfume and household cleaners for its fragrance. It is also an effective, environmentally friendly, and relatively safe solvent, which makes it an active ingredient of choice in many applications, such as, adhesive and stain removers, cleaners of various sorts and strippers. Limonene is also highly useful in agriculture.

Wild orange essential oil is a unique one. It's not as frequently used, and although regular orange oil can be found, wild orange is said to have more and stronger properties- Anticancer, Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Digestive, Sedative, Tonic.

This unpretentious essential oil is used in aromatherapy to create the feeling of happiness and warmth, while calming nervous digestive problems. It deals very well with colds and flu, eliminates toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, while supporting collagen formation in the skin.

This evergreen tree has dark green leaves and white flowers and bright orange round fruit with roughish skin. The trees are native to China, but are now cultivated extensively in America.

Orange oil is used in many Curacao type liqueurs and for the flavoring of food, drink and confectionery and when added to furniture polish, helps to protect against damage from insects.

Uses: It is sunny and radiant oil, bringing happiness and warmth to the mind and helps people to relax and helps children to sleep at night. Orange oil can be used effectively on the immune system, as well as for colds and flu and to eliminate toxins from the body.

It is a good diuretic and is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity. Its lymphatic stimulant action further helps to balance water processes, detoxification, aiding the immune system and general well-being.

For the digestive system, orange oil can help with constipation, dyspepsia and as a general tonic. It is also useful in cases of nervous tension and stress.

The essential oil of orange has a wide variety of domestic, industrial and medicinal uses. Domestically, it is used to add orange flavor to beverages, desserts and sweetmeats. Industrially, it is used in soaps, body lotions, creams, anti-aging and wrinkle-lifting applications, concentrates for soft beverages, room fresheners, sprays, deodorants, biscuits, chocolates, confectionery and bakery items.

Orange essential oil provides quick and effective relief from inflammation, whether internal or external. Regardless of the reason, whether it is excessive intake of spices, fever, infections, side effects of antibiotics, gas, Ingestion of toxic substances, or narcotics, orange essential oil can reduce the irritation and pain.

The very smell of orange essential oil reminds you of happy moments and brings pleasant thoughts to mind. That is why this oil is so frequently used in aromatherapy. It creates a happy, relaxed feeling and works as a mood lifter, perfect for people who suffer from depression or chronic anxiety.

Wherever there is a cut or abrasion, there is always the chance of the wound becoming septic due to a bacterial infection. This is even more likely when the wound occurred from an iron object, because then there remains a chance of it becoming infected by tetanus germs. Essential Oil of Orange can help people avoid both septic infections and tetanus as they inhibit microbial growth and disinfect the wounds.

Being a carminative means being an agent that helps in the removal of excess gas from the intestines. Gas, which forms in the intestines and pushes upwards, can be very troublesome. Gas, since it is light, moves upwards and pushes against the internal organs, creating chest pains, indigestion and discomfort. It can also cause a rise in blood pressure; negatively affect heart health and cause acute stomach aches. Essential Oil of Orange can help with many of these problems, since it relaxes the abdominal and anal muscles, thereby letting the gas escape.

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